Dialogue between two friends about the causes and effects of water pollution – News Portal 24
ঢাকাWednesday , ২৪ অগাস্ট ২০২২

Dialogue between two friends about the causes and effects of water pollution

নিউজ পোর্টাল ২৪
অগাস্ট ২৪, ২০২২ ১:৪১ পূর্বাহ্ন
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1. Suppose, you are Rajib/Rajiya. Your friend Kajal is quite unaware of water pollution. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend about the causes and effects of water pollution.

Kajal: Hey friend! Could you please tell me what water pollution is?

Rajiya: Yes, of course. Water pollution is the pollution of bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, seas, the oceans, as well as groundwater. It occurs when pollutants move into it.

Kajal: How do pollutants move into water?

Rajiya: Well, it is we who are responsible for it. We haphazardly throw waste and filth into water and pollute it. Farmers using chemical fertilizers and insecticides in the field also run towards water bodies when it rains. It also causes water pollution.

Kajal: I see. Any other reasons?

Rajiya: Yes, throwing oil, food waste, and human waste into. the rivers by water vehicles causes water pollution. Besides, insanitary latrines on the banks of the rivers and canals and drains running the rivers and canals make water polluted.

Kajal: Oh my God! That’s terrible. I wish it did not happen.

Rajiya: But we can prevent water pollution by creating mass awareness among people.

Kajal: By the way, what are the effects of water pollution?

Rajiya: Its effects are many. When we drink polluted water or use it for household porposes, we may become sick. Besides, water pollution is harmful for our environment.

Kajal: We have to stop water pollution. Otherwise, it will cause us great harm. Anyway, thank you for the discussion.

Rajiya: You’re welcome.

2. Dialogue between two friends on water pollution | Causes and effects of water pollution dialogue

Kamal: Good afternoon, Jamal. (শুভ সন্ধ্যা, জামাল।)

Jamal: Good afternoon, Kamal. (শুভ সন্ধ্যা, কামাল।)

Kamal: What are you doing? (তুমি কি করছ?)

Jamal: I am writing a paragraph about water pollution. (আমি পানি দূষণ সম্পর্কে একটি অনুচ্ছেদ লিখছি।)

Kamal: Would you tell me about water pollution please? (তুমি কি আমাকে পানি দূষণ সম্পর্কে বলতে পার?)

Jamal: Sure, polluted water means dirty water. (নিশ্চয়ই দূষিত পানি অর্থ হলো নোংরা পানি।) Kamal How is water polluted? (পানি কীভাবে দূষিত হয়?)

Jamal: Water is polluted in many ways. Unsanitary latrine, industrial waste, chemical and insecticide are mainly responsible for water pollution. (পানি বিভিন্ন ভাবে দূষিত হতে পারে। অস্বাস্থ্যকর পায়খানা কলকারখানার বর্জ্য, রাসায়নিক কীটনাশক প্রধানত পানি দূষণের জন্য দায়ী।)

Kamal: What is the effect of water pollution? (পানি দূষণের প্রতিক্রিয়া কি?)

Jamal: It causes different water borne diseases. Specially poor people and children suffer a lot. (এটি বিভিন্ন পানিবাহিত রোগের সৃষ্টি করে। বিশেষভাবে গরিব মানুষ ও শিশুরা খুব বেশি ভোগে।)

Kamal : How can we get rid of this problem? (আমরা কীভাবে এ সমস্যা থেকে উত্তরণ করতে পারি?)

Jamal : By raising public awareness about the bad effects of water pollution. (পানি দূষণের খারাপ প্রতিক্রিয়া সম্পর্কে জনগণকে সচেতন করে।)

Kamal : Thank you for your information. (তথ্যের জন্য তোমাকে ধন্যবাদ।)

Jamal : You are welcome. (তোমাকে স্বাগতম।)

3. Dialogue between two friends on water pollution

Sujon: Hello Jahangir! How are you?

Jahangir: I am fine. What about you?

Sujon: I am fine too. But I am somewhat worried about water pollution.

Jahangir: Yes, it is very alarming that the water of canals, rivers, and tanks is getting polluted day by day.

Sujon: Exactly! This polluted water causes much harm to us.

Jahangir: But man is mainly responsible for water pollution. They pollute water by throwing waste into it.

Sujon: Yes, farmers also use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their fields. Rain and floods wash away some of the chemicals.

Jahangir: Right you are. And these chemical fertilizers and insecticides get mixed with the water of canals, ponds, and rivers, and thus pollute water.

Sujon: Mills and factories also pollute water by the waste materials.

Jahangir: Exactly! Leaking of oil from water vehicles, dead bodies, and rotten debrises of animals and plants also contribute much to water pollution.

Sujon: Besides, germs of diseases and insanitary latrines are other factors that pollute water.

Jahangir: So, it is high time to stop water pollution. But how can we prevent water from being polluted?

Sujon: Water pollution can be prevented in many ways. But the main way is to make people aware of the importance of pure water.

Jahangir: I am agreed with you. There is no alternative to make people aware of the bad effects of water pollution.

Sujon: Thank you very much for discussing such an important issue.

Jahangir: You are most welcome. See you again.

4. A dialogue between two friends about water pollution.

Shahin: Isn’t it very alarming that alarming that the water of our canals, rivers and tanks is getting polluted day by day?

Abir: Yes. This polluted water causes much harm to us.

Shahin: But man is mainly responsible for water pollution. They pollute water by throwing waste into it.

Abir: Farmers use chemical fertilizer and insect ides in their fields. Rain and floods wash away some of the chemicals. They get mixed with her water of canals. Ponds and rivers and pollute water.

Shahin: Mills and factories also pollute water by the waste materials.

Abir: How can water from being polluted?

Shahin: Water pollution can be prevented in many ways. But the main way is to make the people aware of the importance of pure water.

Abir: Thank you for this important discussion.

Shahin: You’re most welcome. Bye.

5. Dialogue about water pollution: A dialogue between two friends Mamun and Rafiq about Water Pollution.

Mamun : Good morning, Rafiq. How are you?

Rafiq : Good morning, dear friend. I am fine and you?

Mamun : I am also fine. Why do you look very gloomy and unhappy now?

Rafiq : Yes. I am very worried because many people of our city are suffering from various fatal water-borne diseases owing to severe water pollution.

Mamun : What is the bad effect of water pollution, Rafiq?

Rafiq : Water pollution causes various fatal diseases.

Mamun : Could you please tell me the causes of water pollution, dear friend?

Rafiq : People pollute water by throwing waste materials into water. Mills and factories pollute water by throwing toxic chemicals into water.

Mamun : Is there any other main cause of water pollution?

Rafiq : Yes, our farmers pollute water by using chemical fertilizers and insecticides in the field.

Mamun : Then, how can we get rid of this pollution?

Rafiq : We can control water pollution by creating public awareness, removing illiteracy, controlling population explosion and removing poverty from the society.

Mamun : Thanks a lot. I have learnt a lot about the bad effect of water pollution. See you again. Good bye.

Rafiq : You are most welcome. Good bye!